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 91  Parameters:
93  The following parameters can be set in the status dictionary.
95  V_m double - Membrane potential in mV
96  E_L double - Resting membrane potential in mV.
97  C_m double - Specific capacitance of the membrane in pF/mum^2
98  tau_m double - Membrane time constant in ms.
99  t_ref double - Duration of refractory period in ms.
100  V_th double - Spike threshold in mV.
101  V_reset double - Reset potential of the membrane in mV.
102  I_e double - Constant input current in pA.
103  V_min double - Absolute lower value for the membrane potential.
105  refractory_input bool - If true, do not discard input during
106  refractory period. Default: false.