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Scalable Brain Atlas

The Scalable Brain Atlas is developed by Rembrandt Bakker and many contributors with financial support from INCF, Radboud University Nijmegen, and others. Send feedback, report a bug, request a feature, collaborate.

Terms of use

The Scalable Brain Atlas does not “own” any of its templates. To ensure that the atlas makers receive proper credit, you must abide by our citation policy. In brief, always (1) cite each data source that contributed to your analysis, and (2) cite the Scalable Brain Atlas main publication and plugin references where appropriate.


The Scalable Brain Atlas provides selected (downsampled) datasets for your convenience. Always check the license terms of the original atlas data source, which may also contain additional and higher resolution data sets.

neurali/scalable_brain_atlas.txt · Last modified: 2020/06/08 22:20 by